Server Status Report


I originally did this script to help with daily checks and monthly reports. The basic idea is to have all the information that an administrator would look for on a daily basis neatly organised in a web based report. The information is extracted using the PSINFO and DUMPEL utilities. This information is then collated and a web report is built. Parameters can be set in the INI file for a number of things, including thresholds for the number of reboots, errors, and warnings reported in the eventlogs. An archive page is also built with links to previous reports. This is useful for historical comparisons and month end reporting.

Required Tools

The following command line utilities are required for this script:


The following command line utilities are optional for this script:


The Files

This script is made up of three files which are explained briefly below:

  • SRVSTAT.INI – File containing the general settings for the script. This makes customisations easier.
  • SRVSTAT.CMD – The primary script. This collects the data and builds the report.
  • SERVERS.TXT – This file simply contains a list of servers to be interrogated. This is not used if the ‘UseLocal’ setting in the INI file is set to YES.

The Reports

The script generates two reports. It would be worth having a look a them:

  • The Server Status Report displays the report containing the server status tables. Each of the five tables can be disabled in the INI file if they are not required.
  • The Archive Page displays a list of previous reports sorted by month.

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